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Watermedia painting : A few timeless recommended readings

Watermedia paintings: A few recommended readinsg
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Watermedia painting : A few timeless recommended readings

Here is a selection of watercolor books that were very interesting and helped me progress technically. I usually will not follow everything an artist is describing but will develop my own process, picking up some ideas from each of those books.

Watermedia painting : A few recommended readings

For me, the master of color, she can achieve great effects by mixing certain type of colors depending on their characteristics : transparency, granulation…, achieving vibration effects by painting complementary colors side by side, the push and pull effect of warm and cool colors.

Making Color Sing: Practical Lessons in Color and Design

A completely different way to handle color in this book, by applying successive washes of cool and warm colors and achieving gorgeous granulation effects. It has also very interesting parts about figure drawing and painting, how to simplify shapes by connecting shadow areas, and some more advice about edge quality and connecting the figure to the background.

Interpreting the Figure in Watercolour by Don Andrews (1988-10-13)

A very good book if you want to experiment with acrylic and mixed media, using all kinds of additives too. Lots of good ideas for mixing media and gorgeous illustrations by the author. His paintings have very exciting colors, a very unique style with contrasting under-painting and edge effects. He is excellent in watercolors, acrylics, oils, gouache…

Acrylic Painting Techniques: How to Master the Medium of Our Age

A very good book if, like me you are interested in mixing some king of realistic style for your portraits with mixed media and more abstract backgrounds. A great “how to” book.

Expressive Portraits: Watercolor and Mixed Media Techniques

The book that got me starting with layering watercolors for luminous colors, I changed her technique to fit more my taste, but basically it’s the same idea.

Light Up Your Watercolors Layer By Layer: Transparent Glazing Techniques for Luminous Paintings

And finally you might be interested in my watercolor instruction book:

Yes, YOU can do it. YOU can create beautiful watercolor paintings–everything from florals to portraits to landscapes–even if you’ve never before worked with this exuberant, exciting medium.
Fearless Watercolor for Beginners offers a unique, one-on-one workshop–with step-by-step demonstrations, exercises and bonus video content–that teaches you all the basics you need to get started (and then some)–and then promptly encourages you to break them!

Fearless Watercolor for Beginners: Adventurous Painting Techniques to Get You Started

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  1. Excellent recommendations, Sandrine! I have read all but the acrylic one.

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