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Painting a semi abstract mountain painting with acrylics

Painting a semi abstract acrylic mountain landscape by Sandrine Pelissier
Painting technique / Step by step demonstrations

Painting a semi abstract mountain painting with acrylics

This is the last of the 7 paintings I had to make for the group show coming up in February at the Cityscape Art Gallery in North Vancouver. There had to be a mountain somewhere in the picture and I had 2 lines I needed to incorporate somehow in my composition. I used mostly acrylic with a lot of layers, and a bit of gouache at the beginning.

drawing with pencil on canvas

I start by drawing a very rough outline of my landscape , placing the lines I need to incorporate in my composition

I then mix some yellow acrylic with medium

mixing acrylic and medium

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Liquitex Acrylic Mediums

Gel mediums are ideal for extending a heavy body paint, to create impasto, relief, or sculptural effects. – Gel Medium, Gloss

painting yellow under layer

and then paint an under-layer of yellow on the sky area and the valley.

layering colors for the sky and working on the mountains

I am painting a few successive semi transparent layers on the sky area with brown, blue and white. I am starting to work on the mountains with ultramarine blue, green and white

I add a bit more definition on the mountains.

I add a bit more definition on the mountains.

Still adding layers of semi transparent acrylic ( acrylic mixed with medium)

Still adding layers of semi transparent acrylic ( acrylic mixed with medium)

watery mix of gouache and water

Now I am working with the painting horizontal on a table, adding  a watery mix of gouache  on the sky and mountain area.

I am painting the trees in the foreground with a watery mix of acrylic and water, then I let the paint drip by placing the canvas in a vertical position.

I am painting the trees in the foreground with a watery mix of acrylic and water, then I let the paint drip by placing the canvas in a vertical position.

I am painting abstract patterns for the clouds in the sky

I am painting abstract patterns for the clouds in the sky, I later will make them more subtle by taking off some of the paint with a tissue paper.

I am painting

I am painting the trees trunks with a watery mix of white acrylic. I then work on the lighter trees in the foreground.

The abstract in nature , acrylic painting on canvas

The abstract in nature , acrylic painting on canvas

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Comments (6)

  1. […] Semi abstract mountain landscape acrylic painting on canvas: The Abstract in Nature […]

  2. […] The abstract in Nature, step by step acrylic tutorial […]

  3. […] The abstract in Nature, step by step acrylic tutorial […]

  4. jodi

    How can I buy a copy? I love it!

  5. […] The abstract in Nature, step by step acrylic tutorial […]

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