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Tag: painted

dress up illustrations

Dress up illustrations


Simple and fun monochrome painting


Painting over life drawings with mixed media

4 versions of the same linoprint by North Vancouver artist Sandrine Pelissier

1 linoprint – 9 plates- 4 versions

Stretching mini linoprints on canvas

Stretching mini linoprints on canvas

why should artists go to a life drawing class

7 lessons learned in life drawing class

painting over varnished paper

Painting over varnished paper

life drawings

Organized chaos : Reworking life drawings in mixed media

in between drawing and painting

Between Drawing and Painting – part 2

between drawing and painting

Between Drawing and Painting – Part 1

Black on White and White on Black paintings on ARTiful, painting demos by Sandrine Pelissier

Black on White and White on Black

Painting with acrylic skins

Painting with acrylic skins

travel sketching 2

Travel Sketching basic supplies and techniques for beginners


Dry brushing for mixed media portraits

Paintingover life drawings with Indian Ink part 2 on Artiful painting demos by Sandrine Pelissier

Painting over Life drawings with Indian ink – part 2


Charcoal portrait on paper step by step : Beehive

mixed media flower painting from imagination

Painting flowers from imagination: 3 Paintings for the Anonymous Art Show

Painting-over-your-drawings-with-India-ink- 600

Painting with India Ink over life drawings


How to add visual texture to watercolor and acrylic washes.

sketchbook experiment

Sketchbook inspiration | What to draw in a sketchbook

How to apply an isolation coat to your paintings

How to apply an isolation coat to your paintings before varnishing


How to paint on stone paper with acrylics and alcohol based inks


6 masking fluid tips

ink resist (1)

Ink Resist Technique, a video tutorial

How to add patterns to a forest painting by Sandrine Pelissier

Painting a forest in acrylic with patterns : Discovery Walk

prepare you paper before painting with watercolor or oil pastels

Clear gesso or gel medium for making your life drawings paper waterproof?

Dry pastels alternative ways of using them in mixed media paintings

Dry pastels, alternative ways of using them in mixed media


Customizing your sketchbook into an Art Journal

Is that cheating ? The controversy about using a projector or a lightbox for your paintings

Is using a lightbox cheating? The controversy about using a projector or a lightbox for your paintings


How to use oil pastels, what you can do with this under-estimated medium.

In Jakarta

Painting flowers from imagination for the Anonymous Art Show, a step by step painting tutorial

6 things I learned about painting on ARTiful, painting demos by Sandrine Pelissier

6 tips to become a better artist

try intuitive painting on ARTiful, painting demos by Sandrine Pelissier

Step by step tutorial: Intuitive semi abstract landscape with acrylics on canvas

Preparatory Sketches, what are they for ? by Sandrine Pelissier on ARTiful, painting demos

Preparatory sketches: What are they for?

Add impact to your paintings with India ink

Add impact to your paintings with India Ink

Find inspiration close to home on ARTiful, painting demos by Sandrine Pelissier

Find inspiration close to home

Drawing with a grid

Scaling your drawing: The grid method

how to draw designs with a dipping pen and ink

Drawing patterns with a dipping pen and ink


No more framing : How to mount yupo paper on board

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A Mixed Media Treasury of Techniques and Ideas

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For sale on Sept 16, 2025