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Simple and fun monochrome painting

For Beginners / Inspiration / Mixed media / Painting / Painting technique / Popular posts / Step by step demonstrations / Yupo paper demonstrations

Simple and fun monochrome painting

I don’t know about you but these days I have only so much energy and feel like tackling simple projects that are still fun and creative but not overwhelming.

Here is a monochrome painting, done only in white pen and ink with a simple abstract background:

You will need:

  • A piece of paper (watercolor, bristol, yupo… I used stone paper)
  • Acrylic inks or fluid acrylics in 2-3 colors ( I used Cerulean blue , gold green and Hansa yellow light( Opus fluid acrylic) )
  • Acrylic paint (I used turquoise blue by Pebeo)
  • White ink (I used high flow golden)
  • A dipping pen
  • A few brushes

I am a Blick Art Materials affiliate and I receive a small compensation for sales. That does not effect in any way the cost of the purchaser’s order but it helps me keeping the content of this blog free.

Golden High Flow Acrylics

Incredibly flexible, Golden High Flow Acrylics have an ink-like consistency that lends itself to a wide range of techniques painting, drawing, staining, glazing, inking, hand-lettering, airbrushing, and more. – High Flow Colors, Set of 10

Start by painting an abstract background

Just paint over your paper with a large brush and water and then add a few drops of each color. Spread them over the surface of your paper without making them mix completely. Let dry.

Make a simple drawing

Make a simple drawing over your background with the dipping pen and white ink

You can add patterns if you want to.

I am a Blick Art Materials affiliate and I receive a small compensation for sales. That does not effect in any way the cost of the purchaser’s order but it helps me keeping the content of this blog free.

Speedball Sketching Project Set

This calligraphy pen and nib set gives you the tools needed to create beautiful works of art. Ideal for drawing, crosshatching, lithography, and fine details. Includes two plastic pen holders and six nibs.

You can glaze a few areas with acrylic paint

I chose Turquoise blue to add a few bits of color on the table and the vase.

Paint the background

You can then start painting the background with the white acrylic paint. Depending on your paper and your paint, you might need more than one layer.

Add patterns to the table

You can finish the painting by adding a few patterns on the table with the dipping pen and white ink.

It’s done !

If you try it, feel free to share your painting in the comments, I would love to see what you did 🙂

4.4/5 - (18 votes)

Comments (6)

  1. Lynda Moore Murtha

    I really enjoyed the mono lesson Sandrine. Can’t seem to post a picture.

    1. Thanks and sorry about that Lynda, I thought it was easy to post pictures in the comments but it is not. You can post on our Facebook group though:

  2. I have to add… Your Artwork is one of my favorites and intriguing. I really love your abstract style.

    1. Thanks Juliana! 🙂

    2. Thanks Juliana 🙂

  3. I was so happy to come across your email today.
    With all this Stay at Home….I’m compelled to Stay at home and CLEAN!
    ugh…and then there is the garden projects.

    Trust me, being outside is important now…you need Vitamin D to fight this virus & I like the Sun.

    But I sure miss my artful projects… I’m hoping for a Rain Day real soon. lol

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