ARTiful, get inspired to create

Free resources for artists

Tag: realistic

dress up illustrations

Dress up illustrations


Painting over life drawings with mixed media


Testing alternative carving materials for lino printing

why should artists go to a life drawing class

7 lessons learned in life drawing class

painting over varnished paper

Painting over varnished paper

are you painting to impress or to express

Are you making art to impress or to express ?

life drawings

Organized chaos : Reworking life drawings in mixed media

in between drawing and painting

Between Drawing and Painting – part 2

between drawing and painting

Between Drawing and Painting – Part 1

ideas for sketching at home on ARTiful, panting demos

Ideas for sketching at home

The perfection of imperfection (1)

The perfection of imperfection


Dry brushing for mixed media portraits

Paintingover life drawings with Indian Ink part 2 on Artiful painting demos by Sandrine Pelissier

Painting over Life drawings with Indian ink – part 2


Charcoal portrait on paper step by step : Beehive

Painting-over-your-drawings-with-India-ink- 600

Painting with India Ink over life drawings

sketchbook experiment

Sketchbook inspiration | What to draw in a sketchbook

Painting over life drawings with acrylic and watercolor pencils on ARTiful painting demos by Sandrine Pelissier

Painting over Life drawings with Acrylic and Watercolor Pencils

prepare you paper before painting with watercolor or oil pastels

Clear gesso or gel medium for making your life drawings paper waterproof?

Dry pastels alternative ways of using them in mixed media paintings

Dry pastels, alternative ways of using them in mixed media

image (6)

Life drawing challenges: How to draw hands


Customizing your sketchbook into an Art Journal

Is that cheating ? The controversy about using a projector or a lightbox for your paintings

Is using a lightbox cheating? The controversy about using a projector or a lightbox for your paintings

5 ways to enjoy the process of making art

5 ways to have fun painting

eyes in the middle of the face

Portrait drawing : Basic proportions of the face

Find inspiration close to home on ARTiful, painting demos by Sandrine Pelissier

Find inspiration close to home

mixed media flower painting on yupo paper

How to paint mixed media flowers on yupo paper : Orange Blossoms

Mixed media flower painting

How to add zentangle patterns to your paintings: In Kyoto

Painting mixed media Flowers from your imagination: Greenery on ARTiful, painting demos by Sandrine Pelissier

Painting mixed media Flowers from your imagination: Greenery


Adding zentangle patterns to a watercolor and mixed media portrait : Selfie

add colored pencils to your watercolors

How to add zentangles to your watercolor paintings

Rainforest imagery, watercolor and zentangles on paper mounted on board

Zentangle trees : Rainforest Imagery

quick tips for

How to paint a patterned portrait with India Ink and mixed media

embroidered forest red bubble

Embroidered Forest, Zentangle mixed media trees

Add zentangles to your life drawings

zentangles and life drawing

Painting trees with watercolor, Hiking with the dogs by Sandrine Pelissier on ARTiful, painting demos

Painting trees with watercolor, Hiking with the dogs

A little Birdie told me, watercolor portrait and zentangle on ARTiful, painting demos

A little Birdie told me, watercolor portrait and zentangle

Painting trees with watercolor by Sandrine Pelissier on ARTiful, painting demos

Arborescences – Painting a forest with watercolor


Lily pads on One Mile Lake: Painting lily pads with watercolor

Painting trees with watercolor by Sandrine Pelissier on ARTiful, painting demos

The Trees Place : Layering watercolors to paint trees

Plan your watercolor paintings to easily paint a complex scene on ARTiful, painting demos by Sandrine Pelissier

Plan your watercolor paintings to easily paint a complex scene

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A Mixed Media Treasury of Techniques and Ideas

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