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Beginning : Step by step mixed media painting tutorial

Mixed media painting tutorial on ARTiful, painting demos by Sandrine Pelissier
Drawing / Painting technique / Step by step demonstrations

Beginning : Step by step mixed media painting tutorial

Beginning : Step by step mixed media painting tutorial

I like old black and white pictures, there is something fascinating about the way the picture is aging, becomes imperfect, so different from the way we make digital pictures now.

I stumbled upon  the picture I used for this painting recently and decided to try a mixed media version of it.

I experimented with a technical paper that is translucent and works well with watercolors and inks and had enough tooth to take dry pastels as well.

Beginning : Black and white mixed media painting tutorial

Here are some pictures of the process. Click on any picture to see a larger version.

I started by scanning my picture to print a larger version on paper, I used a grid to help with the drawing.

I start my drawing on newsprint, doing a bit of shading as well.

Here is a close up of my drawing. Transferring the drawing is easy because my paper is translucent

I start to paint the figure with black watercolor.

The technical paper react a little bit like yupo paper or hot press, it does not wrinkle with the paint.

I work on the background with black ink, I like the textures the ink makes while drying, really close from what you get on yupo paper.

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Yupo WatercolorPaper Pads

Yupo is a compelling and unique alternative to traditional art papers. It’s a synthetic paper, machine-made in the USA of 100% polypropylene. It is waterproof, stain resistant, and extremely strong and durable.

I sprayed some alcohol to add textures on the black couch.

I am refining the figure with black and white colored pencils.

I accentuate the contrast with black and white dry pastels. I paint a contouring of the picture.

Step by step mixed media painting tutorial

The finished painting- Beginnings

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Comments (6)

  1. This is beautiful. Thank-you, Sandrine. I have some translucent vellum in the basement. You have inspired me to play around with it!!

    1. Thanks Leslie, let me know how it works 🙂

  2. this is just wonderful and I love the old timey feel. Wonderful finding you on Red Bubble as well. I’m new to Yupo and just love it. I have a few pieces on my etsy site
    peace n abundance,

    1. Thanks CheyAnne, I love being in the Red Bubble community 🙂
      Great to see your profile there with some nice watercolors and photography.

  3. Thank you Sandrine. Very helpful commentary!

    1. Thanks Linda, I am glad you liked it!

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