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Search results for: "layering"

Painting trees with watercolor by Sandrine Pelissier on ARTiful, painting demos

The Trees Place : Layering watercolors to paint trees

Layering watercolors to paint clouds and the sea on ARTiful, painting demos by Sandrine Pelissier

How to paint sea and clouds in watercolor : Try a layering technique

Layering watercolor to paint portraits on ARTiful, painting demos by Sandrine Pelissier

Watercolor portrait painting tutorial with layering technique, watercolor crayons and wax paper cut-out

snowflower 600

A watercolor portrait painting tutorial, layering technique : I wish it would snow Flowers

Layering for watercolor portraits by Sandrine Pelissier on ARTiful, painting demos

Layering watercolors for portraits

Layering watercolors for portraits by Sandrine Pelissier on ARTiful painting demos

Layering watercolors to paint a portrait

Tutorial : Corel Paint Shop Pro for layering watercolors on ARTiful, painting demos by Sandrine Pelissier

Tutorial : Corel Paint Shop Pro for layering watercolors

How to paint a layered watercolor portrait by Sandrine Pelissier on ARTiful, painting demos

Layering process for watercolor portraits painting : Face painting

Layering watercolor to paint portraits on ARTiful, painting demos by Sandrine Pelissier

Step by Step watercolor layering Demonstration : Profile Portrait of Sophie

4 versions of the same linoprint by North Vancouver artist Sandrine Pelissier

1 linoprint – 9 plates- 4 versions

spirograph tree

Spirograph Tree: Using a spirograph for visual texture

Paintingover life drawings with Indian Ink part 2 on Artiful painting demos by Sandrine Pelissier

Painting over Life drawings with Indian ink – part 2


Charcoal portrait on paper step by step : Beehive

How to add patterns to a forest painting by Sandrine Pelissier

Painting a forest in acrylic with patterns : Discovery Walk


Customizing your sketchbook into an Art Journal


How to use oil pastels, what you can do with this under-estimated medium.

imitation and inspiration for artists

The fine line between inspiration and imitation

Painting flowers form imagination

Painting flowers in mixed media from an abstract background

still life in red med size

Negative painting technique for a flower still life , a step by step painting tutorial


Adding zentangle patterns to a watercolor and mixed media portrait : Selfie

add colored pencils to your watercolors

How to add zentangles to your watercolor paintings


Mixing it up ! Zentangle forest painting step by step

embroidered forest red bubble

Embroidered Forest, Zentangle mixed media trees

ays toincorporatepurple hues inyour wedding

How to paint with watercolors on canvas and add zentangles

Painting trees with watercolor, Hiking with the dogs by Sandrine Pelissier on ARTiful, painting demos

Painting trees with watercolor, Hiking with the dogs

A little Birdie told me, watercolor portrait and zentangle on ARTiful, painting demos

A little Birdie told me, watercolor portrait and zentangle

How to paint leaves and trees with watercolor

How to paint a watercolor tree step by step

How to paint trees and leaves with watercolor on ARTiful, painting demos by Sandrine Pelissier

How to paint trees and leaves with watercolor

Painting a semi abstract acrylic mountain landscape by Sandrine Pelissier

Painting a semi abstract mountain painting with acrylics

homework 2

How to paint skin tones with watercolor- 7 tips

5 ways to improve your watercolor painting skills

5 ways to improve your watercolor painting skills

How to paint a portrait with watercolor and gouache by Sandrine Pelissier on ARTiful, painting demos

Multi-colored days, watercolor and mixed media painting tutorial


Tales of a lucky hat – Watercolor portrait painting demonstration with time lapse video

Hens and chicks (2)

How to paint flowers with acrylics step by step : Hens and Chicks


Landscape mixed media painting tutorial : Farming landscape

how to mix pastels and acrylic to paint a mixed media peony flower

How to mix acrylic and pastel to paint a peony: Peony Exuberance

Layering acrylics for interesting edges by Sandrine Pelissier on ARTiful, painting demos

Exhibition, step by step acrylic painting tutorial

Layering acrylics to paint a still life by Sandrine Pelissier on ARTiful,painting demos

Quiet in the Hallway, acrylic painting step by step tutorial

Layering acrylics and pastels by Sandrine Pelissier on ARTiful, painting demos

Comfortable at Home, acrylic paint and oil pastels painting tutorial