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Tag: watercolor

How to mix watercolor and ink

Mixing watercolor and India ink

How to paint seascapes : Steveston wharf, watercolor painting tutorial on ARTiful, painting demos by Sandrine Pelissier

How to paint seascapes : Steveston wharf, watercolor painting tutorial

Watercolor portrait painting tutorial with splashing technique : Drawing on my notebook works better with my lucky hat on

Watercolor portrait painting tutorial with splashing technique : Drawing on my notebook works better with my lucky hat on


Splashing Water on a Watercolor Cityscape : Early this Morning

Painting a mixed media landscape triptych on ARTiful, painting demos by Sandrine Pelissier

French countryside- Triptych mixed media painting tutorial

Painting a landscape in mixed media by Sandrine Pelisser on ARTiful, painting demos

Fields in Greens and Blues, Step by step landscape painting tutorial

Painting a poppy with Acrylic and pastels : time lapse video

Poppy Dance: Acrylic and pastels flower painting time lapse video

snowflower 600

A watercolor portrait painting tutorial, layering technique : I wish it would snow Flowers

How to paint 2 versions of the same painting with watercolor or mixed media

Tofino Surfers painting tutorials, a watercolor and a mixed media variation on the same subject


Mrs Messy-Loose and Mr Tight-n-Tidy, Artists’ right and left brain

Here is the finished painting : Crow

Ink Resist Technique on Canvas, a step by step painting tutorial : Crow

Mixed media painting tutorial on ARTiful, painting demos by Sandrine Pelissier

Beginning : Step by step mixed media painting tutorial

Adding patterns to watercolor portraits by Sandrine Pelissier on ARTiful, painting demos

Thinking, Watercolor and Pencil Crayon step by step painting tutorial

Painting a watercolor portrait layer by layer by Sandrine Pelissier on ARTiful,painting demos

How to paint a watercolor self portrait from a reference picture

How to paint a watercolor portrait with watercolor and gouache by Sandrine Pelissier on ARTiful, painting demos

Step by step Watercolor Portrait painting tutorial : Vermilion


Self portrait painting tutorial : ink resist technique on yupo paper

Layering watercolors for portraits by Sandrine Pelissier on ARTiful painting demos

Layering watercolors to paint a portrait

How to paint a mixed media self portrait by Sandrine Pelissier on ARTiful,painting demos

Step by step painting tutorial : Watercolor and acrylic self portrait

Layering watercolor to paint portraits on ARTiful, painting demos by Sandrine Pelissier

Watercolor and gouache step by step Portrait Painting Tutorial: Helene

Tutorial : Corel Paint Shop Pro for layering watercolors on ARTiful, painting demos by Sandrine Pelissier

Tutorial : Corel Paint Shop Pro for layering watercolors

Watermedia paintings: A few recommended readinsg

Watermedia painting : A few timeless recommended readings

Layering for drawings and paintings by Sandrine Pelissier on ARTiful, painting demos

what do these paintings share in common ?

Comparative chart of textures on Yupo paper by Sandrine Pelissier on ARTiful, painting demos

Comparative chart of textures on yupo paper with watercolors, acrylics and inks

Painting on Yupo paper, a few techniques on ARTiful, painting demos by Sandrine Pelissier

Painting with watercolor on Yupo paper: A few techniques

Layering watercolor to paint portraits on ARTiful, painting demos by Sandrine Pelissier

Step by Step watercolor layering Demonstration : Profile Portrait of Sophie

Painting portraits with watercolor and gouache by Sandrine Pelissieron ARTiful, painting demos

How to paint a portrait with watercolor and gouache

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A Mixed Media Treasury of Techniques and Ideas

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